Fruit Garden

Diary Entries


Today I went to a park with those exercise thingies and my legs still feel like they're moving in them. Tomorrow I have to wake up early and I'm here. I'm not like other webmasters (I'm terrible at prioritizing). You know what. I just remembered that i also love Marie Kondo's first book. Maybe I'll add it to the page another day. I always say "you" when I'm talking on my own, but I don't mean me or someone else. Oh, if we didn't have public healthcare in my country i would be making a psychologist very rich right now.


I need something with a plot i can't keep watching/reading stuff for the vibes only my brain is about to become pudding. Unrelated. I love finding out how hard it is to do stuff on the computer.


There's so much I want to add to this site but i don't know HOW. I'll be consistent with my bedroom concept and just put it wherever.
Also. you know who were the absolute geniuses of the old internet to me? people who had blogspots. There was one for anything and the owners (is that the word?) were SO devoted to them. Sometimes i feel like my brain is like that britney spears tweet where she's like what what do you think about global warming? i think lady gaga is a very interesting artist


Yesterday seems so long ago. My head hurts. Is there anybody out there? Writing this seems like sending a message to the stars.


Figuring this out... I've come to the conclusion that I wasn't born to be a programmer. I'll use the template and see how it goes.


I'm in some sort of trance. Can't stop doing useless things. Let's visit an aquarium!!!  